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The Food and Drinks that Offer Help for PAD

Posted on October 18, 2023

Did you know that some of your favorite food and drinks could provide help for PAD? First, cocoa can improve walking with peripheral arterial disease. Plus, adding Vitamin K2 can lower PAD risk, along with the risk for other forms of coronary disease. For that reason, we're excited to help you prevent or mitigate PAD and it's painful symptoms simply by sampling some delicious items in your kitchen!

Help for PAD from Flavonols

When we say cocoa can help PAD symptoms, it has to be the right kind. In fact, in order to get any health benefits, you have to use a powder that has a cocoa content at or above 85%. Now, if you find that flavanol-rich food item, and you have PAD, expect to notice benefits like improved walking performance and faster cell regeneration in your leg muscles. As an added bonus, that sweet cocoa could even boost your blood flow! Here's how.

Other Vitamins to Lower PAD Risk

With cocoa hitting your shopping cart, you should also add foods containing vitamin K2 to further reduce your PAD risk, especially if you have diabetes or hypertension. Not sure where that vitamin loves to live? Some of the best sources include kombucha, kimchi, sauerkraut, and certain dairy and animal products.

Now Add Spinach

Studies show that adding just one cup of spinach to your daily diet cuts risk for PAD by 26%, mostly by lowering your blood pressure. In turn, those leafy greens can also reduce arterial stiffness. As a result, you'll reduce your risk for PAD, heart attack and strokes!

Drink and Hit the Water to Help PAD Symptoms

Need more help for PAD? Exercising in the water can help mitigate painful PAD symptoms while boosting cardiovascular health. Plus, because water-based exercise comes with a lower impact, it's aaccessible to adults of all ages and physical capabilities.

And guess what? Drinking water can be as beneficial and getting your exercise in a pool. In fact, if you consume at least 8 glasses of water each day, you can lower your blood pressure, reducing your risk for PAD and all forms of cardiovascular disease.

Of course, while changes to your diet and lifestyle provide some help for PAD, they can't cure all your ailments. For that reason, we invite you to request an appointmentwith our Georgia PAD specialists, to explore your full range of treatment options.

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