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Here's Why to Schedule Varicose Vein Treatment This Winter

Posted on January 30, 2024

Have you been thinking about scheduling a varicose vein treatment? Well, now's a great time to take action! Because, while Georgia winters aren't exactly freezing, seasonal temperatures make this season a better time to treat vein disease. Why is that the case? Keep reading to find out!

bulging varicose veins

Why Winter's the Right Time for Varicose Vein Treatment

1. Your schedule opens up

After the holidays are over, and the rush of New Year resolutions are behind you, you are probably ready to stick with post-treatment instructions that restrict exercise and strenuous movement. Plus, with the kids in school every day, it will be easier to lie down and prop up your legs after treatment.

2. You'll be insured

Now that open enrollment has passed, you should be set up with proper coverage and aware of your insurance plan's deductibles. Luckily, our Georgia vein specialists accept many insurance plans, so you should not have to cover the majority of your procedure cost.

3. You won't mind rocking compression gear

After varicose vein treatment, we'll prescribe compression socks for you to wear for about a month after your procedure. (This helps minimize bruising, swelling and pain. It also helps improve blood flow to the legs.) And, since compression stockings stick close to your skin, you'll find it far more comfortable to wear them in winter than in the warmer weather months.

4. The sun won't cause problems

After treatment, you'll have to avoid direct sun exposure for about a month. And that's because UV rays can slow your recovery or even contribute to new varicose vein development. Of course, it's a lot easier to stay out of the sun in February than in June, so now's a great time to start planning your treatment.

5. You'll be ready for summer styles

When the warm weather returns, shorts will be on your must wear list. So, if you want to rock those shorts without highlighting twisted, bulging varicose veins, schedule your treatment in the winter. Do so, and your recover should be complete by spring, letting you wear what you want and enjoy all your favorite outdoor activities!

Do You Need to Seek Varicose Vein Treatment in the Hospital?

By now, you should see why winter is the perfect vein treatment season. But you may still have concerns about the treatment process. So here's some good news for you. When you schedule sclerotherapy, radiofrequency ablation, or other minimally invasive vein treatments in Georgia, you avoid overnight hospital stays and surgical procedures!

Ready to eliminate varicose veins? Want to explore minimally invasive vein treatment in Georgia? Click here to request an appointment with one of our vein care specialists.

Sources: La Jolla Light

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Monday – Friday
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