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5 Key Foods for Vein Health

Posted on October 18, 2023

When you choose the right foods for vein health, you can boost circulation. And maintaining the strength and vitality of our 60,000 mile long circulatory system is one of our best weapons against vein disease and varicose veins.

Luckily, you're probably already eating some of the foods that nourish your veins. So, if you gobble up the five food groups we're about to highlight, avoid certain pantry staples, and get regular exercise? Well, that should put you on a solid pathway to healthier veins, and a healthier life in general!

#1: Choose Foods with Vibrant Colors

You may have heard that we're supposed to "eat the rainbow," But do you know why? As it turns out, colorful fruits and veggies are packed with bioflavonoids, or Vitamin P. And that vitamin can improve the appearance of existing varicose veins, while strengthening your blood vessel walls. In turn, your veins are better able to stand up to stress, and less likely to become diseased.

Which foods are highest in bioflavonoids? Red bell peppers, strawberries, oranges, peaches and spinach are all great options. And grape seed extract is another great choice, since this Medicine study reveals that just two grape seed extract doses each day can boost blood flow and reduce the pain and swelling of varicose veins.

#2: Best Foods for Vein Health: Bring on the Fiber

A high-fiber diet can support digestion while strengthening your veins. You see, when you ingest soluble fiber, it helps prevent constipation, in turn reducing stress on many of your veins. What are the best dietary sources of fiber? Oats, buckwheat, peas, apples, and berries all work. But you can also look to hemp, chia, flax, sunflower, and pumpkin seeds, which offer the added bonuses of niacin and vitamin B3.

#3: Now Add Vitamin C

Foods that are rich in Vitamin C can tone your veins and improve circulation. And here's some good news: it's easy to get a dual dose of Vitamin P and C with many foods such as oranges, tangerines, mangos, grapefruits, papayas, spinach, broccoli, kale, and bell peppers. Want to really maximize those vein-healthy vitamins? Take them with the vitamin E in almonds, avocados or peanuts, to amplify the benefits to your circulatory system.

#4 The Case for Cocoa

Rich in flavanols like epicatechin, cocoa can reduce the walking pain associated with PAD (peripheral arterial disease.) But to ensure maximal benefits, choose a product with cocoa concentrations higher than 85%.

#5 Choosing Eggcelent Foods for Vein Health:

While eggs raise concerns about rising cholesterol (and your arterial health) they are also full of vitamins, protein and minerals. That's why study findings show that eggs can actually increase heart-healthy metabolite production in your body. When that happens, you'll also enjoy higher HDL levels in the blood, increasing your body's ability to remove cholesterol from the veins and arteries.

Of course, cholesterol is a serious concern. So, this last food for vein health should be enjoyed in moderation. Sticking to just egg each day should keep you enjoying the benefits, and avoiding the added risks.

Eat Your Way to Healthier Veins

Clearly, there's a strong connection between proper nutrition and vein health. So, we encourage you to choose foods for vein health that are packed with bioflavonoids, fiber and vitamins C, P and E. Ready to take your vein health to the next level? Click here to request an appointmentwith our endovascular specialists in Georgia. When you come in, we can create a customized vein health plan to suit your individual needs!

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